Cities in stone

ISBN 978-0-948444-36-4 Thematic Trails 1999. £2.95
A5. 40 pages. 36 photos. 12 figures.
The walk explores the rich diversity of stones that make up the fabric of the City of Bristol. The expectation is that as the building stones become familiar, so comes the satisfaction of being able to identify common stones and their origin, perhaps before turning to the text for reassurance.
You can buy Bristol Heritage in Stone locally at: Bristol Museum and Art Gallery Bookshop, Museum, Queen’s Road Bristol BS8 1RL T: 0117-9223650 Stanfords 29 Corn Street, Bristol BS1 1HT |
EXETER IN STONE, an urban geology Jane Dove.
ISBN 978-0-948444-27-2 Thematic Trails 1994. £2.95 A5. 44 pages. 24 illustrations.
▲ "Directed at ‘the curious visitor and interested non-specialists', Thematic Trails Trust publications incorporate and translate professional knowledge from the academic literature to which members of the general public don't have ready access....Exeter in Stone is a fine addition to the ever-expanding list of booklets on the building stones of British towns and cities." (Geology Today)
OXFORD CITY TRAIL, secrets in the landscape (Oxfordshire Geology Trust) £2
12 page folding pocket booklet 11X24cm, in full colour. 16 plates, 5 maps and figures.
An introduction to the geology of the city of Oxford including Headington (Quarries and stone walls) and the city centre (Magdalen College, the High Street and St Michael’s Tower). Building materials include local limestone from Headington but stone was also brought in from quarries in the Cotswolds, including from Burford and Chipping Norton.

ISBN 978-0-948444-37-1 Thematic Trails 1999. £1.00
A5. 40 pages. 28 photos. 11 figures.
Four compass-point streets radiate from Gloucester city centre. The first short walk, Eastgate Street, is, in essence a mental tool-kit for identifying some local common building stones and their history – a skill which can then be applied to any of the three following compass direction walks.
Huddersfield Geology Group.
A5. 12 pages. 13 colour photos. 10 figures. £2.00
Two walks in central Huddersfield examine decorative polished building stones that have been brought into Huddersfield from many parts of the world to enhance the commercial and public buildings of the city.